Christine Hawkinson

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It’s Game Time!

50 Years in the Bleachers

I’ve been thinking a lot lately about time. How it seems to go fast and slow at the same time. How people say: Life is short—make the most of each day!

But I had a yoga teacher a few years ago who told my class: Life is long!

I’d never heard someone say that before, and she made me think about time differently. We really can accomplish quite a lot and have many experiences in our lifetime.  

It doesn’t seem possible it’s been over 40 years since I left high school, but thinking about how full those four decades were confirms it.  

And it doesn’t feel like I spent the entire decade of my 50s writing my story, but here I am at 60 with a published book. I only had an hour before I left for work each morning to write, and sometimes wrote on Saturday mornings, but over the course of a decade, that’s a lot of hours.

I started this journey writing about one memory at a time, guided by several motivational quotes. Today, I know this one is true:

Success is the sum of small efforts repeated day in and day out.


I hope you’ll join me in the bleachers.