11 things this writer is grateful for

A wood tabletop with the word Thankful surrounded by cutout pumpkins, acorns, and leaves

I’m thankful to have finished my manuscript. But I couldn’t have done it without:

  1. A laptop computer. I can’t imagine writing a book on a typewriter.

  2. External hard drives and the cloud. No need to worry about losing years of work.

  3. Writing classes and conferences. I learned a lot and met some wonderful people.

  4. My antique writing desk. It’s my favorite place to write, seated at the window.

  5. Notebooks and index cards. Lots of them, filled with drafts and ideas.

  6. Early readers and editors. My manuscript got better with every revision.  

  7. Walking. Hundreds of miles to reflect and refocus.

  8. Good health. I’ve been well enough to write, and writing keeps me well.  

  9. Desire. Without it, I couldn’t have started writing at 5 a.m. for the last decade.

  10. Family and friends. People who care about me, no matter how this all turns out.

  11. Blog subscribers! Thank you for your support. I wish you a wonderful Thanksgiving!

Photo by Pro Church Media on Unsplash


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