Lessons from the Driveway


This is not any old basketball hoop on a random driveway. This is the hoop at my childhood home. The driveway where I spent hours practicing my shot and my ball handling skills and running wind sprints to stay in shape. In those hours of dribbling and shooting, I learned about myself and about life.

I started “shooting around” with my brothers when I was eleven or twelve…



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Life Lessons Christine Hawkinson Life Lessons Christine Hawkinson

Finding my Voice

I love to read and write. As a writer, I know how much words matter. But when I lost function of my voice for a few weeks, I realized I took the ability to communicate for granted.

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Youth Sports Injuries Christine Hawkinson Youth Sports Injuries Christine Hawkinson

How my daughter’s injury forced me to think critically about youth sports

The rise of club sports prompted me to question the direction youth sports were headed, but when my daughter tore her ACL, I felt an obligation to share what our family learned the hard way about this serious injury. Over the last 20 years injury prevention programs have been developed. But the number of injuries hasn’t come down, and it won’t come down until coaches implement these programs.

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Life Lessons Christine Hawkinson Life Lessons Christine Hawkinson

Why parents need to tune into their child’s desire

Do the children in your life have time to discover their desire? I recently read another article about the importance of free play and how little time kids have to explore their interests. Time away from structured activities allows kids to learn about themselves and what they enjoy. Revisit this important topic, originally published in February 2021, while I take a personal timeout.

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Girls & Women in Sports Christine Hawkinson Girls & Women in Sports Christine Hawkinson

Opportunity — Title IX gave us what our mother’s didn’t have

One year ago tonight, my high school recognized the women who played on the first girls’ sports teams in the 1970s. Over one third of the 150 who played reunited to share stories and think about the contributions they made. As a reminder of how far we’ve come, enjoy the story I wrote to honor these women, while I take a personal timeout.

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Youth Sports Injuries, Girls & Women in Sports Christine Hawkinson Youth Sports Injuries, Girls & Women in Sports Christine Hawkinson

Will professional female athletes use their platform for injury prevention?

Several players have been absent from the Women’s World Cup because they are rehabilitating ACL tears. Across the world, people are asking why and what can we do? But the most important question is: When will we get serious about preventing this terrible injury?

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Life Lessons Christine Hawkinson Life Lessons Christine Hawkinson

Living a contented life

Many millennials and Gen Zers are reevaluating their priorities so they can make meaningful connections with others and enjoy activities outside of their careers. I am hopeful those who become parents will also make careful choices for their children by allowing time for free play and exploration. Life is more enjoyable when we have several avenues to joy, and if we are lucky, we learn to live a contented life like my mother.

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Reinventing Youth Sports Christine Hawkinson Reinventing Youth Sports Christine Hawkinson

How much playing time should your child get?

Another high school coach has lost his job. Perhaps for good reasons. Or perhaps because a group of parents are unhappy their children are not getting enough playing time, so they presented other reasons the school board should fire the coach. It’s hard to see your child unhappy on the bench, but how much playing time they get depends on several factors.

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Life Lessons Christine Hawkinson Life Lessons Christine Hawkinson

What Ted Lasso can teach us about team culture

Watching the Ted Lasso series, I have so enjoyed how he has, without any great fanfare or hard-nosed tactics, created a team culture that allows his players to not only have fun playing the game they love, but feel like winners regardless of the final score. I’ve read several recaps of a recent episode, and not one of them mentions the line on replay in my mind…

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Reinventing Youth Sports Christine Hawkinson Reinventing Youth Sports Christine Hawkinson

Will club teams win out over school loyalty?

I often wonder how high school sports will operate 20 years from now. Will club sports continue to rise in importance, eroding high school teams? Or will we reinvent offerings so more kids can participate? Prioritizing club sports poses a risk to team, school, and community pride. Playing for two teams at the same time causes issues for both teams, and surely must cause some internal conflict for the kid. What could youth sports look like in the future?

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Life Lessons Christine Hawkinson Life Lessons Christine Hawkinson

Two coaches’ philosophies you can apply to life daily

One is the college coach whose program has won more national championships than any other. You may be surprised to learn it’s not a men’s team. The other was a high school coach who loved to tell stories and always looked for life lessons. Both came to understand that coaching is about much more than the skills and the game.

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Life Lessons Christine Hawkinson Life Lessons Christine Hawkinson

Why I would hire a rower

Their coach described the race simply. It wasn’t about strategy. It was about speed. Whoever goes the fastest wins. But what does it take to be the fastest? The importance of teamwork is evident in every sport, but nowhere is it more crucial than in rowing. Every rower contributes unique talents and a coach’s job is to position each person in a way maximizes the team’s potential. Rowers understand their role and put in the work to fulfill their responsibility to the team. I’d hire a rower. We can all learn a few lessons from them…

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