Lessons from the Driveway
This is not any old basketball hoop on a random driveway. This is the hoop at my childhood home. The driveway where I spent hours practicing my shot and my ball handling skills and running wind sprints to stay in shape. In those hours of dribbling and shooting, I learned about myself and about life.
I started “shooting around” with my brothers when I was eleven or twelve…
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The importance of respect — and other lessons of The Matheny Manifesto
I first wrote about the Matheny Manifesto in May of 2021. Mike Matheny’s book came out in 2015. His messages continue to be relevant and timely. Enjoy one of my most-read blog posts while I take a personal timeout.
How much playing time should your child get?
Another high school coach has lost his job. Perhaps for good reasons. Or perhaps because a group of parents are unhappy their children are not getting enough playing time, so they presented other reasons the school board should fire the coach. It’s hard to see your child unhappy on the bench, but how much playing time they get depends on several factors.
Will club teams win out over school loyalty?
I often wonder how high school sports will operate 20 years from now. Will club sports continue to rise in importance, eroding high school teams? Or will we reinvent offerings so more kids can participate? Prioritizing club sports poses a risk to team, school, and community pride. Playing for two teams at the same time causes issues for both teams, and surely must cause some internal conflict for the kid. What could youth sports look like in the future?
The hidden costs of early sports specialization
Starting kids too early in sports can lead to many unintended — and undesirable — consequences
Will the money you spend on your child’s sport pay off?
Despite knowing the slim odds of getting an athletic scholarship, many parents believe they’ll get a return on their investment
Dang! I could have written that book
Why parents will have to be the ones to change the youth sports model
The case for reinventing youth sports
It may sound impossible to change our youth sports culture. But what will happen if we don’t?
Mental illness was an opponent they couldn’t beat
Burnout, anxiety, and depression can happen to anyone, including collegiate athletes
Mental Illness Awareness Week
Take a timeout to learn more about the illness 1 in 5 adults experience each year
How does the 80/20 rule apply to our youth sports system?
Participation is high, but are most parents of young kids really on board with our youth sports culture?
What we can learn from Norway about youth sports
While youth sports took on a life of their own in the United States, Norway established ground rules. It appears they’re winning—in every way.
What adults need to remember about organized kids’ sports
Age-appropriate activities should be part of any organized youth sports playbook
It’s Game Time!
50 Years in the Bleachers is now available for purchase from your favorite bookseller—in paperback and eBook!
Who will coach the kids?
Growing expectations of the job and competition from club sports makes finding high school coaches a challenge for athletic directors.
50 Years in the Bleachers
Be one of the first to see my book cover—and get a sneak peek of my story!
A word about sportsmanship
If shaking hands and saying “good game” to the opponent have lost their meaning, maybe it’s time to remember that the best competitions and the best rivalries start with respect.
A lot of kids are missing out on one of the most important benefits of sport
When kids quit youth sports before they get to high school, they miss out on some of the lessons that can serve them well as adults.
Will a shortage of officials mean fewer youth sports games in the future?
The pandemic prompted some sports officials to retire, but increasingly poor treatment from fans and coaches has been driving them off the court, field, and mat for years.
What kind of coach does your child play for?
There is much to be gained from playing sports, regardless of the scoreboard or season’s record—if your child plays for a transformational coach.
Why I’m glad my dad didn’t coach my team
Some parents successfully coach their children, but it can be complicated and challenging for both the child and parent.