Not all injuries are physical
In August, I wrote about how Simone Biles spoke up and spoke out about her mental health. Michael Phelps and others shared similar experiences about the stress of being a high-profile athlete.
But mental illness can affect anyone. Any of us. Including children.
October 3-9 was Mental Illness Awareness Week.
October 10 was World Mental Health Day.
But mental health concerns can happen every day. All year long. Especially during a pandemic.
I can’t stop thinking about the two students who recently took their own lives on the same college campus. It was about this time of year when a dear family friend took his own life almost 20 years ago.
This is a topic we can all learn more about. Here are a couple articles and some resources to get you started.
Check in with your friends and loved ones. And if someone needs help, make a phone call today.
Coping with stress, CDC website
It’s okay not to be okay: athlete perspectives on mental health by Grace Van Atta, The Johns Hopkins News-Letter, October 14, 2021
Why the time is now to coach mental health in youth sports by Jon Solomon, Aspen Institute – Project Play, June 8, 2020