New year, new opportunities, new choices

During the last two months, my free time was filled with gift shopping and wrapping, sending cards, visits with family and friends, a bit of reading, and very few hours at my writing desk. It was like biking on a flat surface compared to how I had been living for many months. I was still moving forward, but without any urgency to get to my destination. I had no destination, which was a bit unsettling — and a good indication that I really needed that break.

Always the next task waiting

The last two years were the most exhausting — and most rewarding — I’ve had in a long time. As I finished editing my book, completed the publication process, and began marketing, I had a well-defined to-do list, shaped by what I’d learned from writing and publishing experts. What to do each day was determined by priorities to meet the interim and final deadlines. I operate really well with that structure. You may recall, I have DDS.

Reflection before reset

When a big project — or a sports season — ends, it’s not only okay, but healthy and valuable to take a break. Just as kids need a break from sports to rest, explore other interests, and build anticipation for the next season, I needed this time to think about what I’ve done and what I want to do next. 

In 2023, my path will not be well-defined. And, I will have to keep reminding myself that’s okay. It’s time to consider new opportunities. I need to get out of my comfort zone to discover a new path. And what I’ve learned in the last couple years, and the feedback I’ve received about my book will guide my choices.

I hope to do more author talks, as I enjoyed connecting with readers in person. And I will continue to write blog posts, with new information about research in youth sports and resources for parents. But beyond that, what I write and for what purpose is open for exploration.

I love January

I am ready to settle into the snowy white and quiet of winter, because there is possibility in the stillness. I’m ready for something new. I hope you are, too.

Happy New Year!


Dang! I could have written that book


50 years of progress – but we’re not done yet