Lessons from the Driveway


This is not any old basketball hoop on a random driveway. This is the hoop at my childhood home. The driveway where I spent hours practicing my shot and my ball handling skills and running wind sprints to stay in shape. In those hours of dribbling and shooting, I learned about myself and about life.

I started “shooting around” with my brothers when I was eleven or twelve…



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Girls & Women in Sports Christine Hawkinson Girls & Women in Sports Christine Hawkinson

Opportunity — Title IX gave us what our mother’s didn’t have

One year ago tonight, my high school recognized the women who played on the first girls’ sports teams in the 1970s. Over one third of the 150 who played reunited to share stories and think about the contributions they made. As a reminder of how far we’ve come, enjoy the story I wrote to honor these women, while I take a personal timeout.

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Life Lessons Christine Hawkinson Life Lessons Christine Hawkinson

Is a pandemic the cure for overbooked kids?

For some of us, the pandemic pause on full schedules has been a chance to slow down and make different choices—from what we eat and what we wear to how we spend our precious free time. It’s also the perfect time to tune into our kids’ true interests and rethink the activities they’ll return to.

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Life Lessons Christine Hawkinson Life Lessons Christine Hawkinson

Welcome to my blog

Today I launch Lessons from the driveway, where I will share lessons I learned as a coach’s daughter, player, coach’s wife and sports parent. I hope you will join me for lessons and observations about the evolution of youth sports, injuries and opportunities for girls and women.

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