Thank a woman who’s been on your team

Silhouette of three women celebrating and saluting the sun

Over the last six months it has become clear to me that I have benefited from Title IX far beyond having the opportunity to play sports. Because Title IX opened academic doors for women to pursue careers in business, medicine, science, law, and other traditionally male fields, I entered the workforce with a cohort of women who blazed trails in every profession. The few women already in those fields served as role models and mentors, and those who followed us built on what we started.

Over the last 40 years, I have crossed paths with these women. Many became friends or mentors. Others provided valuable services to my family through their chosen profession. I can’t imagine who or where I would be if those women had not been on my team.  

I am thankful for all the women who have supported me in small and large ways. I hope you’ll make your own list, and let someone know they made a difference in your life.

My life teammates include

  • Teachers

  • A college counselor

  • A thesis advisor

  • Members of a women-in-business group

  • Bosses

  • Coworkers

  • Health care professionals

  • Book coaches and editors

  • Childhood best friends

  • Stay-at-home mom friends

  • Best friends from all generations

  • My mother, daughters, and a special sister-in-law

Thank you for reading and have a Happy Thanksgiving!


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