Happy Father’s Day

On a recent walk through my neighborhood, I saw a father shooting baskets with his two young daughters at their driveway hoop. It reminded me of how much our girls enjoyed playing everything from board games to badminton with their dad. He was their favorite teammate and their favorite opponent to beat—and he still is.

It’s heartening to see how more dads have embraced the importance of their role in raising children over the past couple decades. Perhaps you’ve seen the ad campaign #Dadication to encourage dads to be an active part of their children’s lives, with parenting tips and resources available at fatherhood.gov. There’s even a page to read and enter Dad Jokes, though at our house there seems to be an unending supply, always good for an eye roll.

When our girls were young, there were groups of DODOs, Dads of Daughters Only. Many men, especially if they didn’t have sisters, appreciated the support as they navigated the world of ponytails and boy problems. Today, support is plentiful and more dads understand the special role they play in their daughters’ lives.

Whether they connect through sports, music or any other activity they both enjoy, there’s no denying the importance a father plays as a daughter discovers who she is and as she gains confidence in herself and where she’s headed in life.

Though dads can certainly share their skills and interests with their daughter, the most important thing they can do is listen and support her in her own pursuits. Knowing her dad believes in her can set the foundation for her future success.

When we were dating, I never thought about what kind of father my husband would be. But I know my daughters would agree, he’s one of the best. 

Happy Father’s Day weekend, Scott!

(photo with daughter Kylee, 2003)


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