Lessons from the Driveway
This is not any old basketball hoop on a random driveway. This is the hoop at my childhood home. The driveway where I spent hours practicing my shot and my ball handling skills and running wind sprints to stay in shape. In those hours of dribbling and shooting, I learned about myself and about life.
I started “shooting around” with my brothers when I was eleven or twelve…
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The importance of respect — and other lessons of The Matheny Manifesto
I first wrote about the Matheny Manifesto in May of 2021. Mike Matheny’s book came out in 2015. His messages continue to be relevant and timely. Enjoy one of my most-read blog posts while I take a personal timeout.
Two coaches’ philosophies you can apply to life daily
One is the college coach whose program has won more national championships than any other. You may be surprised to learn it’s not a men’s team. The other was a high school coach who loved to tell stories and always looked for life lessons. Both came to understand that coaching is about much more than the skills and the game.
The case for reinventing youth sports
It may sound impossible to change our youth sports culture. But what will happen if we don’t?
Sports lessons that last a lifetime
Why learning to deal with adversity is the most important lesson of sport
What we can learn from Norway about youth sports
While youth sports took on a life of their own in the United States, Norway established ground rules. It appears they’re winning—in every way.
50 Years in the Bleachers
Be one of the first to see my book cover—and get a sneak peek of my story!
A word about sportsmanship
If shaking hands and saying “good game” to the opponent have lost their meaning, maybe it’s time to remember that the best competitions and the best rivalries start with respect.
Are the children in your life benefiting from the true purpose of sport?
We all know the goal of sport is to win. But that doesn’t mean all is lost when we lose a game. What really matters is the reasons for playing in the first place and the benefits gained that last a lifetime.
A lot of kids are missing out on one of the most important benefits of sport
When kids quit youth sports before they get to high school, they miss out on some of the lessons that can serve them well as adults.
What kind of coach does your child play for?
There is much to be gained from playing sports, regardless of the scoreboard or season’s record—if your child plays for a transformational coach.
How coaches can set the stage for the kind of teammates, people—and future leaders—their players can become
Before they introduce skills and strategy, many coaches establish key values to guide their team’s purpose.
There is still no “I” in “Team”
What’s more important to your child—the name on the front of the jersey or the name on the back?
Why all kids need to know how to rebound
Of all the life skills strengthened by playing sports, resilience may be the most important.
Why Title IX is important to me
It’s a great privilege to have the opportunity to play. And it’s a great responsibility to decide when and how kids should play.
Playing to win or playing not to lose (what’s the difference?)
Playing to win takes commitment, preparation, perseverance—and sometimes, getting out of our comfort zone.
The Matheny Manifesto—A big league approach to little league coaching
When former professional baseball player Mike Matheny said yes to coaching Little League, he outlined his philosophy and values in what became known as his “manifesto.” Some parents opted not to provide their son with the learning experience of a lifetime.
It’s time to respect the child athlete
When we stray so far from where we started that we don’t remember what we set out to do, it’s time to go back to basics.
A hungry dog runs faster
Just one of life’s lessons reinforced by pandemic cancellations: When we have time to look forward to something, we appreciate it more when it arrives.
Transforming youth sports starts with coaches
Minnesota is one of ten states where high school athletic programs are refocusing on the educational value of sports. The programs start by acknowledging there is a difference between why we do something and what we hope to achieve by doing it.
Will your kid get asked to The Big Dance?
Many kids and their parents dream of playing for a popular college team. But what are the chances, really?