Lessons from the Driveway
This is not any old basketball hoop on a random driveway. This is the hoop at my childhood home. The driveway where I spent hours practicing my shot and my ball handling skills and running wind sprints to stay in shape. In those hours of dribbling and shooting, I learned about myself and about life.
I started “shooting around” with my brothers when I was eleven or twelve…
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Two essential mantras for motivation
It feels like I am in the middle of a tough semester with no end in sight. These two bits of wisdom will keep me going till my book is published and beyond.
I like your style. I like your approach. (I like your money.)
When people tell us what we hope to hear, it is on us to be sure what they offer is in our—or our child’s—best interest.
Why everyone needs an editor
It isn’t always easy to hear, but sometimes an impartial opinion is exactly what we need.
Lessons learned on my way to a birthday
Having a game plan is important. But there’s an even more important secret of life.
Welcome to my blog
Today I launch Lessons from the driveway, where I will share lessons I learned as a coach’s daughter, player, coach’s wife and sports parent. I hope you will join me for lessons and observations about the evolution of youth sports, injuries and opportunities for girls and women.