Lessons from the Driveway


This is not any old basketball hoop on a random driveway. This is the hoop at my childhood home. The driveway where I spent hours practicing my shot and my ball handling skills and running wind sprints to stay in shape. In those hours of dribbling and shooting, I learned about myself and about life.

I started “shooting around” with my brothers when I was eleven or twelve…



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Life Lessons Christine Hawkinson Life Lessons Christine Hawkinson

Why parents need to tune into their child’s desire

Do the children in your life have time to discover their desire? I recently read another article about the importance of free play and how little time kids have to explore their interests. Time away from structured activities allows kids to learn about themselves and what they enjoy. Revisit this important topic, originally published in February 2021, while I take a personal timeout.

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Life Lessons Christine Hawkinson Life Lessons Christine Hawkinson

What Ted Lasso can teach us about team culture

Watching the Ted Lasso series, I have so enjoyed how he has, without any great fanfare or hard-nosed tactics, created a team culture that allows his players to not only have fun playing the game they love, but feel like winners regardless of the final score. I’ve read several recaps of a recent episode, and not one of them mentions the line on replay in my mind…

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Life Lessons Christine Hawkinson Life Lessons Christine Hawkinson

Desire | Discipline | Structure

Tomorrow would have been my father’s 89th birthday. Though he passed three years ago, I am encouraged every morning at my writing desk by his words: “If you do not have Desire, Discipline and Structure, you will fail.”

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Life Lessons Christine Hawkinson Life Lessons Christine Hawkinson

Welcome to my blog

Today I launch Lessons from the driveway, where I will share lessons I learned as a coach’s daughter, player, coach’s wife and sports parent. I hope you will join me for lessons and observations about the evolution of youth sports, injuries and opportunities for girls and women.

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