Lessons from the Driveway
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What’s new for 2022? My book will be published!
Are you ready for the new year? A winning game plan includes building on last year’s progress and watching for new opportunities.
I’ll share! It’s the secret to reaching your goal
The 18th century poet Goethe knew the superpowers of keeping a promise to ourselves.
What would James Naismith say today about the game he invented?
We’ll never know, but he was certainly excited about the game he invented at Springfield College 130 years ago. Listen to a radio interview from the 1930s!
11 things this writer is grateful for
Publishing my book next year will be the fulfillment of a lifelong dream. I am thankful for the reasons, big and small, I was able to accomplish it.
What kind of coach does your child play for?
There is much to be gained from playing sports, regardless of the scoreboard or season’s record—if your child plays for a transformational coach.
Why I’m glad my dad didn’t coach my team
Some parents successfully coach their children, but it can be complicated and challenging for both the child and parent.
How coaches can set the stage for the kind of teammates, people—and future leaders—their players can become
Before they introduce skills and strategy, many coaches establish key values to guide their team’s purpose.
Not all injuries are physical
Mental health is as important as physical health for athletes. For all of us.
Kids and coaches are both a work-in-progress
Labeling kids early as athletes or non-athletes is just one coaching practice that needs to be benched.
Take a time out for a fall break
We’re past summer, it’s midterm time for students, and soon the holidays will be on our mind. It’s a good time for some down time.
I like your style. I like your approach. (I like your money.)
When people tell us what we hope to hear, it is on us to be sure what they offer is in our—or our child’s—best interest.
Why are girls dropping out of basketball?
There are many reasons kids are dropping out of sports. But girls leaving basketball because it is boring? That points to a much bigger problem.
Why everyone needs an editor
It isn’t always easy to hear, but sometimes an impartial opinion is exactly what we need.
Success in sport and life begins with being a good person
John Wooden was a winner on the basketball court and more importantly, in life. He led and created leaders with his Pyramid of Success.
What is success?
Most of the time success is defined for us. In school or on the job, expectations are set by others. But when it comes to the activities we choose for ourselves, we can set our own bar.
Need a bit of inspiration? Watch University of Wisconsin Women’s Volleyball
Those of us desperate to reclaim some of what we’ve lost during the pandemic can learn a few lessons from this dedicated team.
Lessons learned on my way to a birthday
Having a game plan is important. But there’s an even more important secret of life.
Why do we expect too much from kids who play sports?
Setting expectations based on a child’s age can make the difference between them having a positive youth sports experience and quitting early.
What we can learn from a world-class gymnast with the “twisties”
It takes self-knowledge to recognize we need help. It takes courage to speak up. But every time someone does, it makes it easier for the next person.
Have you heard of this Babe?
When sports fans hear the name “Babe” they probably think of Babe Ruth. But the woman who was talented enough to earn his nickname should also be remembered.